7 thg 4, 2014

PE/Files Compare Tools

Its use to compare two files and show the difference line by line as byte.

1. CmpDisasm_v0.84

2. Compare It! (Deleted)
 Unrar: compareit

3. PEDiff

4. CmpPE+

5. ITCompare


Download Here 
Unrar: D7 55 55 75 5B AD 7F 7A EA EB 5A 9A D5 DF E3 3C

Thanks to all author of tools.


10 thg 2, 2014

RSA Collection + Some Tutorials[Update 02.2014]

Today, i was found some tools and useful tuts from exetools forum, i want to upload and share to anyone. I hope it's useful for someone.

1. RSA Collection

Link Here
Unrar: 19 6F 6F 65 40 56 F6 84 4E EA 03 A8 F2 71 1C 48 

2. RSATools v2.110 - 2004 by tE!

Link Here

3. gRn-Rsa-Donkey-v1.2.2 by gRn Team

Link Here

4. RSA Keygen tuts by happy [aka Digital Dreamer]

Link Here
Unrar: 29 EC CF 16 E1 E4 B3 00 3D 80 C5 0D 25 29 93 1D

Best Regard
